Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia

A zone (領域ゾーン zōn) is a gameplay area where cards are placed. Each side features 14 zones. During gameplay, cards may be moved between zones.

Click to enlarge.

The zones are:

  1. The deck. Cards here are unusable, mostly inaccessible, and cannot be checked by players. Cards may be drawn from the top of the deck to the hand.
  2. The hand. Member, tactics, and paradox cards may be played from here.
  3. A circle. Subzone of the field. Gate cards are placed on these.
  4. The field. Consists of all six circles. Member cards are mobilized here from the hand (or deck, with Trance), on top of the gates.
  5. The level zone. Cards may be moved from the hand to here. Dictates the level of member cards you can mobilize, and the number of attacks you can declare each turn.
  6. The stock zone. Cards here are placed face-down. During the draw phase, after drawing, the top card of your deck is added to stock. Members that lose battles while defending are also sent to stock. Cards in stock can be used to pay the costs of certain abilities.
  7. The battle zone. Cards are placed here from the hand during the logic definition step of the battle phase.
  8. The intercept zone. Members can be moved from the field to here during the intercept step of the battle phase.
  9. The paradox zone. Paradox cards in the battle zone are sent here during the end of battle step. Paradoxes remain active while in the paradox zone, unless another paradox is played.
  10. The drop zone. Cards in the stock zone used to pay for costs are sent here. Member and tactics cards that were placed in the battle zone or intercept zone are also sent here during the end of battle step.
  11. The remove zone. The four gates not placed on circles during the start of the game are sent here. If a player has two or more non-gate cards in here, that player loses the game, which can occur via refresh.
  12. The purge zone. Purged cards are placed here. (not in diagram)
  13. The My Logicalist zone. My Logicalist cards are placed here. (not in diagram; located above deck and under battle zone)
  14. The secret tool zone. Secret tool skill cards are placed here. (not in diagram; located to the right of the My Logicalist zone)

Gameplay of the Luck & Logic TCG
Colors Yellow YellowRed RedGreen GreenBlue BlueColorless
Worlds Monolium MonoliumDisfia DisfiaTritomy TritomyTetra-Heaven Tetra-HeavenSeptpia SeptpiaLuck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club
Card Types Member (LogicalistForeignerTranceunionSuper logicalist)
TacticsGateParadoxMy Logicalist
Phases Stand phaseDraw phaseLevel phaseMain phaseBattle phaseEnd phase
Zones Deck (Deck construction) ● HandField (Circle) ● Level zoneStock zoneBattle zoneIntercept zone
Paradox zoneDrop zoneMy Logicalist zonePurge zoneRemove zoneSecret tool zone
Game Actions AttackCostDestroyDrawDiscardLogicLuck DriveMobilizePurge
SetStand Stand / Rest RestRefreshStock boostStock open/closeTrance
Terms and Keywords Ability (Logic Drive) ● Blink MoveCovenantExplosionEX SoulMake
Transmute (Secret Tool Skill) ● Trance ChangeT-rankVanguard
Miscellaneous Card Restriction