Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia

Introducing Herself, Ado

Super Logicalist (超定理者すごいロジカリスト Sugoi Rojikarisuto) is a card type in the Luck & Logic TCG. Super logicalists function like regular logicalists, except they are also able to trance with other super logicalists to mobilize tranceunions. Super logicalists can still trance with foreigners, but cannot trance with regular logicalists. All super logicalists are of the Luck&Logic Club world, to compensate for their lack of foreigners.

Gameplay of the Luck & Logic TCG
Colors Yellow YellowRed RedGreen GreenBlue BlueColorless
Worlds Monolium MonoliumDisfia DisfiaTritomy TritomyTetra-Heaven Tetra-HeavenSeptpia SeptpiaLuck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club
Card Types Member (LogicalistForeignerTranceunionSuper logicalist)
TacticsGateParadoxMy Logicalist
Phases Stand phaseDraw phaseLevel phaseMain phaseBattle phaseEnd phase
Zones Deck (Deck construction) ● HandField (Circle) ● Level zoneStock zoneBattle zoneIntercept zone
Paradox zoneDrop zoneMy Logicalist zonePurge zoneRemove zoneSecret tool zone
Game Actions AttackCostDestroyDrawDiscardLogicLuck DriveMobilizePurge
SetStand Stand / Rest RestRefreshStock boostStock open/closeTrance
Terms and Keywords Ability (Logic Drive) ● Blink MoveCovenantExplosionEX SoulMake
Transmute (Secret Tool Skill) ● Trance ChangeT-rankVanguard
Miscellaneous Card Restriction