Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 亜空間
Kana (仮名) サブスペース
Romaji (ローマ字) Sabusupēsu
World Tritomy Tritomy
Type Gate
Gate Number 10
Card Abilities
[AUTO] [Gate Destruction] Stock boost ②, choose a card from your drop zone, and put it on the top of your deck.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO Gate Destruction ストックブースト②し、あなたのドロップのカードを1枚選び、山札の上に置く。
Sets (Japanese)
Promo Cards - (PR/0069 - PR - 6/10/2016)
  • Flavor:
    The alarm warning of danger to Septpia is constantly ringing.
  • Illust: メロンソウダ

HBT01 Change×Collect - (HBT01/164 - VC - 7/28/2017)

  • Flavor:
    The alarm warning of danger to Septpia is constantly ringing.
  • Illust: メロンソウダ
Sets (English)
Promo Cards - (PR/0069EN - PR - 11/4/2016)
  • Flavor: The horn that alerts Septpia's inhabitants of a crisis, is constantly echoing out.
  • Illust: メロンソウダ
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