Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) ソリッドアーチャー アルヴ
Kana (仮名) ソリッドアーチャー アルヴ
Romaji (ローマ字) Soriddo Āchā Aruvu
Color Blue Blue
World Tritomy Tritomy
Type Member (Foreigner Foreigner)
Character Name Arve
Attribute Electrical Bow
Level 1
Power 5000
Cost 0
Logic Power+5000 Power+5000
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 0
Card Abilities
[AUTO] Covenant - "Aoi" (This ability is active when this member trances with the specified member) If you mobilized an "Aoi" tranceunion, draw a card, and put a card from your hand on the top of your deck.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO 盟約-「葵」(指定メンバーと合体した時に有効)出撃した合理体が「葵」なら、カードを1枚引き、あなたの手札を1枚山札の上に置く。
Sets (Japanese)
BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/088 - U - 9/30/2016)
  • Flavor:
    Rescue signal received. Hastening to the scene.
  • Illust: 石田バル
Sets (English)
BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/088EN - U - 1/6/2017)
  • Flavor: Rescue signal transmission. I'm headed to the scene now.
  • Illust: 石田バル
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