Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 雪やこんこ リオン
Kana (仮名) ユキヤコンコ リオン
Romaji (ローマ字) Yuki ya Konko Lion
Color Red Red
World Monolium Monolium
Type Member (Tranceunion Tranceunion)
Character Name Lion
Covenanter Waffle
Attribute Splendor / Cotton Beast
Level 2
Power 7000
Cost 0
Logic Aura+2 Aura+2
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 1
Card Abilities
[Trance Change] - "Lion" (Can trance with a foreigner once total. Only the specified member can be mobilized)
[EX Soul 1] [ACT] [[Rest] this member] Look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose one of them, put it into your drop zone, choose one of them, purge it, and put the remaining one on the top of your deck.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
Trance Change-「リオン」(全体で1回使者と合体可能。指定メンバーしか出撃できない)
EX Soul 1 ACT [このメンバーをRestする] あなたの山札の上から3枚を見て、その中から1枚選び、ドロップし、1枚選び、パージし、残りを山札の上に置く。
Sets (Japanese)
SPB02 Trance Re:union 2 - (SPB02/049 - C - 4/20/2018)
  • Flavor:
    It's snow, roar! I'm going to run around, roar!
  • Illust: ふみ
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