Smug Face, Ronri/Unne
ドヤ顔 ろんり/うんね
ドヤ顔 ろんり/うんね
Japanese (base) | ドヤ顔 ろんり/うんね |
Kana (仮名) | ドヤガオ ロンリ ウンネ |
Romaji (ローマ字) | Doyagao Ronri Unne |
Color | Blue |
World | Luck&Logic Club |
Type | Member ( Tranceunion) |
Character Name | Ronri / Unne |
Attribute | Season 1 / Episode 1 |
Level | 4 |
Power | 10000 |
Cost | 0 |
Logic | Limit+2 |
Territory | 2 |
Aura | |
Limit | 3 |
Card Abilities |
[Logic Drive] [③] If you have two or more other "Ronri", this member gains "[AUTO] When you do logic definition during this member's battle, if you have one or more ≪Luck&Logic Club≫ super logicalist, tranceunion, tactics and paradox each on your battle zone, return your opponent's member in battle and all cards in its soul to their hand." until end of turn. |
Card Abilities (JP/日本語) |
[③] あなたの他の「ろんり」が2体以上なら、そのターン中、このメンバーは『 このメンバーのバトル中にあなたがロジック定義した時、あなたのバトル領域に≪らくろじ部≫の、超定理者と合理体と戦術と逆理がそれぞれ1枚以上なら、相手のバトル中のメンバーとそのメンバーのすべてのソウルを手札に戻す。』を得る。 |
Sets (Japanese) |
LBT01 We're Luck&Logic Club! - (LBT01/058 - R - 3/31/2017)
Rulings | Tips | Gallery | Trivia |