Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 暴走からの救出
Kana (仮名) ボウソウカラノキュウシュツ
Romaji (ローマ字) Bōsō kara no Kyūshutsu
Color Yellow Yellow
World Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven
Type Tactics
Logic Tactics Tactics
Card Abilities
[AUTO] [②] When this tactics is placed on your battle zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, your yellow member in battle gains +5000 power and +AuraAura until the end of the battle.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO [②] この戦術がバトル領域に置かれた時、コストを払ってよい。そうしたら、そのバトル中、あなたのバトル中の黄のメンバーにパワー+5000、+AuraAura
Sets (Japanese)
HTD02 Angel Logic - (HTD02/013 - TD - 7/14/2017)
  • Flavor:
    Nina: "...Looks like she went back to normal for now."
  • Illust: シソ
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