Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia

We're Luck&Logic Club! Raibu

Raibu (らいぶ) is a logicalist associated with the color green and the Luck&Logic Club world.

Raibu revolves around heavy usage of Logic Drive abilities.

List of Raibu members[]

My Logicalist[]

Level 1[]

Level 2[]

Level 3[]

Level 4[]

Level 5[]

Raibu support cards[]


Level 1[]

Level 3[]

Level 5[]

Character Names
Yellow Yellow
Logicalist/World Monolium Monolium Disfia Disfia Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven Tritomy Tritomy
Nina AishaLiliana AmorMichael Emerada
Sena Lyra AsuraLinlin
Tamaki TiaNico "Divine Music" Otohime
Venus CureSigma
Yoshichika Athena
Red Red
Kurara TamakazeNarukami
Lion RosaWaffle Belle
Mejiko Albert Huang-Huang
ThanatosHypnos Larva
Veronica Rhodanthe Nemesis
Yoshichika HibanaRasetsu
Yukari SandraShiita "Lotus Fragrance" Sennyo Quetzie AryolSalt
Green Green
Ashley JadeSherry Enki Astraea LucaSugar
Chloe DaigaFyrill Nata TaishiFuko ValkyrieHermes Teeb
Olga GineiKoubu Lucifer
Yayoi QipaoNagi
Yuko VestaStyx
Blue Blue
Aoi LottaMelchi BrynhildrThor ArvePino
Giselle Yakusa
Konohana Sakuya
Mahiro SelenDread
Mana WigoRou MeiSei Artemis
Sieghard Lucia Megaru
Luck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club logicalists
Yellow UnneRed AdoGreen Endo-sanGreen RaibuBlue Ronri
Septpia You