Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 暴れ踊る瑞獣
Kana (仮名) オメナスランページ
Romaji (ローマ字) Omenasu Ranpēji
Color Red Red
World Disfia Disfia
Type Paradox
Logic Paradox Paradox
Card Abilities
Paradox Rule ▶▶▶ Aura Battle!!
[CONT] All of your red members gain +Aura.
[AUTO] When this paradox is placed on your battle zone, if your member in battle is red, and you have one or more "Ominous Rampage" in your drop zone, look at the top three cards from your deck, choose two of them, put them into your drop zone, and put the rest on the top of your deck.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
逆理法制パラドックスルール ▶▶▶ AURA勝負!!
CONT あなたのすべての赤のメンバーに+Aura
AUTO この逆理がバトル領域に置かれた時、あなたのバトル中のメンバーが赤で、あなたのドロップに「暴れ踊る瑞獣」が1枚以上あるなら、あなたの山札の上から3枚を見て、その中から2枚選び、ドロップし、残りを山札の上に置く。
Sets (Japanese)
SPB01 Trance Re:union - (SPB01/059 - PxR - 12/16/2016)
  • Flavor:
    The messenger of calamity, arriving from the unlucky northeast.
  • Illust: とよた瑣織

HBT02 Happy×Heart - (HBT02/133 - VC - 10/6/2017)

  • Flavor:
    The messenger of calamity, arriving from the unlucky northeast.
  • Illust: とよた瑣織
Sets (English)
BT05 Trance Re:union - (BT05/068EN - PxR - 3/31/2017)
  • Flavor: The messenger of calamity, comes from an unlucky direction.
  • Illust: とよた瑣織
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