Luck and Logic Wikia
For the demo version of the card, see Joining ALCA! Chloe (PRD).
Japanese (base) ALCA入局! クロエ
Kana (仮名) アルカニュウキョク クロエ
Romaji (ローマ字) Aruka Nyūkyoku Kuroe
Color Green Green
World Monolium Monolium
Type Member (Logicalist Logicalist)
Character Name Chloe
Attribute Splendor
Level 1
Power 3000
Cost 0
Logic Power+5000 Power+5000
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 0
Card Abilities
[AUTO] When this member enters your field, choose one of your territory 1 members, and it gains +1000 power until end of turn.
[AUTO] Vanguard (This ability is active as long as your opponent has six or more undestroyed gates) When this member enters your field, choose an opponent's member with 3000 or less power, and you may put the chosen member and this member into the stock zone.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO このメンバーが場に出た時、あなたのテリトリー1のメンバーを1体選び、そのターン中、パワー+1000。
AUTO 先鋒(相手の破壊されていない門が6枚以上で有効) このメンバーが場に出た時、相手のパワー3000以下のメンバーを1体 選び、このメンバーとそのメンバーをストックにしてよい。
Sets (Japanese)
SD01 Brave Logic - (SD01/009 - SD - 1/28/2016)
  • Flavor:
    Chloe has been active as a mood maker for the Naien branch.
  • Illust: 田口美穂
Sets (English)
TD01 Brave Logic - (TD01/009EN - TD - 6/24/2016)
  • Flavor: Chloe has found success as the life of the party for the Naien Branch.
  • Illust: 田口美穂
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