Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 巌のジェイド
Kana (仮名) イワオノ ジェイド
Romaji (ローマ字) Iwao no Jeido
Color Green Green
World Monolium Monolium
Type Member (Foreigner Foreigner)
Character Name Jade
Attribute Clawed Beast
Level 1
Power 4000
Cost 0
Logic Power+5000 Power+5000
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 0
Card Abilities
[CONT] If you have no cards in your stock zone, this member gains +3000 power.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
CONT あなたのストックが0枚なら、このメンバーにパワー+3000。
Sets (Japanese)
BT01 Growth & Genesis - (BT01/076 - U - 1/28/2016)
  • Flavor:
    The lizard-like Foreigner stated "I took an afternoon nap, and ended up in Septpia before I knew it".
  • Illust: 敬徳
Sets (English)
BT01 Growth & Genesis - (BT01/076EN - U - 6/24/2016)
  • Flavor: The reptilian foreigner claims that "One day after a nap I woke in Septpia all of the sudden."
  • Illust: 敬徳
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