Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 撃ちます! アモル
Kana (仮名) ウチマス! アモル
Romaji (ローマ字) Uchimasu! Amoru
Color Yellow Yellow
World Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven
Type Member (Foreigner Foreigner)
Character Name Amor
Covenanter Nina
Attribute Affection
Level 1
Power 4000
Cost 0
Logic Power+5000 Power+5000
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 0
Card Abilities
[AUTO] Covenant - "Nina" (This ability is active when this member trances with the specified member) [①] If you mobilized a "Nina" member, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
[AUTO] Vanguard (This ability is active as long as your opponent has six or more undestroyed gates) When this member enters your field, choose an opponent's territory 1 member with no members on the circle behind it, and you may move the chosen member to the circle behind it.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO 盟約-「ニーナ」(指定メンバーと合体した時に有効)[①] 出撃した合理体が「ニーナ」なら、コストを払ってよい。そうしたら、カードを1枚引く。
AUTO 先鋒(相手の破壊されていない門が6枚以上で有効) このメンバーが場に出た時、後ろのサークルにメンバーがいない相手のテリトリー1のメンバーを1体選び、後ろのサークルに動かしてよい。
Sets (Japanese)
HTD02 Angel Logic - (HTD02/011 - TD - 7/14/2017)
  • Flavor:
    ...O, okay... Don't be nervous... I'll shoot...
  • Illust: 裕
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