Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) ハッスルマッスル!
Kana (仮名) ハッスルマッスル
Romaji (ローマ字) Hassuru Massuru
Color Blue Blue
World Luck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club
Type Tactics
Logic Tactics Tactics
Card Abilities
[AUTO] [②] When this tactics is placed on your battle zone, if your member in battle is a ≪Luck&Logic Clubmember, you may pay the cost. If you do, your member in battle gains +AuraAura and +1 limit until the end of that battle, and choose a ≪Luck&Logic Clubmember in your drop zone, and put it on your battle zone face up.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO [②] この戦術が手札からバトル領域に置かれた時、あなたのバトル中のメンバーが《らくろじ部》のメンバーなら、コストを払ってよい。そうしたら、そのバトル中、そのメンバーに+AuraAura、リミット+1し、あなたのドロップの《らくろじ部》のメンバーを1枚選び、バトル領域に表向きに置く。
Sets (Japanese)
LBT01 We're Luck&Logic Club! - (LBT01/070 - U - 3/31/2017)
  • Flavor:
    *assorted sound effects*
  • Illust: N/A
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