Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 高速ダッシュ リオン
Kana (仮名) コウソクダッシュ リオン
Romaji (ローマ字) Kōsoku Dasshu Rion
Color Red Red
World Monolium Monolium
Type Member (Tranceunion Tranceunion)
Character Name Lion
Covenanter Waffle
Attribute Splendor / Cotton Beast
Level 3
Power 10000
Cost 0
Logic Aura+2 Aura+2
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 3
Card Abilities
[AUTO] When this member loses a battle, purge this member and all cards in its soul.
[Logic Drive] [②] Draw a card. This member gains +2000 power until end of turn.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO このメンバーがバトルに負けた時、このメンバーとこのメンバーのすべてのソウルをパージする。
Logic Drive [②] カードを1枚引く。そのターン中、このメンバーにパワー+2000。
Sets (Japanese)
HTD01 Bloom Logic - (HTD01/003 - TD - 7/14/2017)
  • Flavor:
    Yaaay! I got to trance, rawr!
  • Illust: 茶ちえ
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