Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) トドメの一撃 クロエ
Kana (仮名) トドメノイチゲキ クロエ
Romaji (ローマ字) Todome no Ichigeki Kuroe
Color Green Green
World Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven
Type Member (Tranceunion Tranceunion)
Character Name Chloe
Covenanter Valkyrie
Attribute Splendor / Sword Minded
Level 4
Power 9000
Cost 0
Logic Limit+2 Limit+2
Territory 2 Territory2
Aura Aura
Limit 3
Card Abilities
[AUTO] When a "Decider Battle" is placed on your battle zone during this member's battle, this member gains +2000 power until the end of that battle.
[Logic Drive] [③] This member gains +3000 power until the end of your opponent's turn. Then, if you have three or more "Chloe" in your level zone, put the top card from your deck into your stock zone.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO このメンバーのバトル中にあなたの「戦士の黄昏」がバトル領域に置かれた時、そのバトル中、このメンバーにパワー+2000。
Logic Drive [③] 相手のターンの終わりまで、このメンバーにパワー+3000。さらに、あなたのレベル領域に「クロエ」が3枚以上あるなら、追加であなたの山札の上から1枚をストックにする。
Sets (Japanese)
BT02 Believe & Betray - (BT02/079 - U - 3/25/2016)
  • Flavor:
    Last Final Finish Swoooooord!!
  • Illust: KANtarou
Sets (English)
BT02 Believe & Betray - (BT02/086EN - U - 9/30/2016)
  • Flavor: Last Final Finish Swoooooord!!
  • Illust: KANtarou
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