Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
BT04-053EN (Sample)
Japanese (base) クラッシャーミサイル クロエ
Kana (仮名) クラッシャーミサイル クロエ
Romaji (ローマ字) Kurasshā Misairu Kuroe
Color Green Green
World Tritomy Tritomy
Type Member (Tranceunion Tranceunion)
Character Name Chloe
Covenanter Teeb
Attribute Splendor / Cannon
Level 4
Power 10000
Cost 0
Logic Limit+2 Limit+2
Territory 2 Territory2
Aura Aura
Limit 3
Card Abilities
[AUTO] [①] When this member attacks, if you have five or more cards in your stock zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card from your deck on your battle zone face up. Then, if that card is a "Chloe", this member gains +5000 power and +1 limit until the end of that battle.
[Logic Drive] [③] Look at the top three cards of your deck, choose one and put it into your stock zone, choose one, add it to your hand, and put the rest on the top of your deck.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
AUTO [①] このメンバーが攻撃した時、あなたのストックが5枚以上あるなら、コストを払ってよい。そうしたら、あなたの山札の上から1枚をバトル領域に表向きに置く。さらに、その置いたカードが「クロエ」なら、そのバトル中、このメンバーにパワー+5000、リミット+1。
Logic Drive [③] あなたの山札の上から3枚を見て、その中から1枚選び、ストックにし、1枚選び、手札に加え、残りを山札の上に置く。
Sets (Japanese)
BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053 - RR - 9/30/2016)
  • Flavor:
    Teeb can instantly synthesize ammunition according to the situation.
  • Illust: テトラポッド

BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053 - SR - 9/30/2016)

  • Flavor:
    Let's call on them with our ace move!
  • Illust: テトラポッド

BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053 - SP - 9/30/2016)

  • Flavor:
    Let's call on them with our ace move!
  • Illust: テトラポッド

HBT02 Happy×Heart - (HBT02/136 - VR - 10/6/2017)

  • Flavor:
    Teeb can instantly synthesize ammunition according to the situation.
  • Illust: テトラポッド
Sets (English)
BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053EN - RR - 1/6/2017)
  • Flavor: Teeb is capable of making ammunition for the right circumstance on the spot.
  • Illust: テトラポッド

BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053EN - SR - 1/6/2017)

  • Flavor: I'll come to your funeral!
  • Illust: テトラポッド

BT04 Aid & Arms - (BT04/053EN - SP - 1/6/2017)

  • Flavor:
    Let's call on them with our ace move!
  • Illust: テトラポッド
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