Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
Japanese (base) 立ち向かう ニーナ
Kana (仮名) タチムカウ ニーナ
Romaji (ローマ字) Tachimukau Nīna
Color Yellow Yellow
World Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven
Type Member (Tranceunion Tranceunion)
Character Name Nina
Covenanter Amor
Attribute Meditation / Affection
Level 2
Power 7000
Cost 0
Logic Aura+2 Aura+2
Territory 1 Territory1
Aura Aura
Limit 1
Card Abilities
[Trance Change] - "Nina" (Can trance with a foreigner once total. Only the specified member can be mobilized)
[Logic Drive] [Rest a card in your level zone] Draw a card. This member gains +2000 power until end of turn.
Card Abilities (JP/日本語)
Trance Change-「ニーナ」(全体で1回使者と合体可能。指定メンバーしか出撃できない)
Logic Drive [レベル領域のカードを1枚Restする] カードを1枚引く。そのターン中、このメンバーにパワー+2000。
Sets (Japanese)
HTD02 Angel Logic - (HTD02/005 - TD - 7/14/2017)
  • Flavor:
    Trancejack? ...No, the form is different.
  • Illust: 榎丸さく
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