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- A Hero Once Again, Yoshichika
- A Little Relaxation, Tamaki
- A-un Unison
- Absolute Revenger
- Abyssal Utopia
- Abyssal Utopia (PRD)
- Achieving Her Goal, Sena
- Acrobat Step, Nina
- ALCA Member, Xiaolin
- ALCA Member, Xiaolin (PRD)
- All-Range Shot, Tamaki
- Amazing Violent Super Fireball, Sena
- Angel's Gospel, Nina
- Arc Bolt on Stage
- Arc Bolt on Stage (PRD)
- Aroma Relaxation
- Artistic Aquarium
- Asking for a Card, Unne
- At One's Whim, Nina
- Awakened Power, Tamaki
- Awakened Power, Tamaki (PRD)
- Awe-Inspiring Knight, Nina
- Banging Palm Heels, Nina
- Barrier of Affection, Tamaki
- Basking in the Sun, Aisha
- Battle's Beginning, Nina
- Beautiful Utopia
- Beyond the Battle, Sena
- Beyond the Covenant, Athena
- Blood Bath Coliseum
- Blood of the Dragon, Linlin
- Breath of Divine Will, Nina
- Brief Rest, Sena
- Brilliant Circle Dance, Nina
- Built Trust, Tamaki
- Calm and Composed, Sena
- Carnage Leg, Sena
- Cascading Rhythm, Nina
- Changing Clothes, Tamaki
- Chaotic Roar, Sena
- Cheering Party of Love, Venus
- Chivalric Heart, Michael
- Christmas Present
- Clear Song, Nina
- Clothing of Wonderment, Nina
- Clumsy Girl, Cure
- Combination Play, Yoshichika
- Comforting Waves Edge, Tamaki
- Commander of the Heavenly Host, Michael
- Confronting, Nina
- Containing Feelings, Sena
- Contracting Grenade, Tamaki
- Controlled Bombardment, Tamaki
- Cornered, Unne/Ronri
- Cornerstone of Kyoto, Sena
- Costume Check, Tamaki
- Counter Current Shock, Tamaki
- Crusade Beat
- Defense Tactics Lecture
- Delicate Smile, Tamaki
- Delicate Smile, Tamaki (PRD)
- Dependable Helper, Sena
- Desire to Grow Stronger, Yoshichika
- Diamond Soloist, Emerada
- Dignified Heavenly Dragon of Electricity Formation, Tamaki
- Diligent Studying, Tamaki
- Diligent Studying, Tamaki (PRD)
- Dismissal Undyed by Feelings, Nina
- Do-Or-Die Wish
- Dragon Cradle
- Dragon Princess Emperor Jewel, Xiaolin
- Dragon Princess Emperor Jewel, Xiaolin (PRD)
- Dragon's Power, Tamaki
- Dreadful Sight, Tamaki
- Dream-Fulfilling Baby Bird, Nina
- Dreams in the Stars
- Dynamic Ensemble, Nina
- Earth Splitting Steel Fist, Sena
- Elate Purple, Tamaki
- Electrical Orchestra
- Electron Concerto, Nina
- Enduring Parthenon
- Engaging in Decisive Battle, Nina
- Engineering Research, Tamaki
- Entangling Ivy, Tamaki
- Establishing the Target, Tamaki
- Evangel Call, Nina
- Excess Gunner, Sigma
- Exemplar Answer, Nina
- Eye Beams, Unne
- Facilitate Shower
- Fate's Winner, Unne
- Fighting Dance, Aisha
- Final Barrier
- Fire Kick, Asura
- Firm Bond
- First Swim in the Sea, Nina
- First-Time Center, Nina
- Fists that Protect Happiness, Yoshichika
- Flower Garden Blessing, Nina
- Flower of Healing, Nina
- Fluttering Whip of Love, Tamaki
- For Her Friends, Sena
- Fragrant Flower, Tia
- Full of Determination, Liliana
- Full-Force Strike, Sena
- Furioso Shout, Nina
- Gaea's Sprout
- Garden Therapy
- Gathering Six Fists, Sena
- Genesic Fante
- Gentle Angel, Amor
- Gigantomachia
- Girl that Likes Sweets, Xiaolin
- Girly Taste, Tamaki
- Giving the World Peace, Nina
- Glistening Emperor Jewel, Tamaki
- Glistening Emperor Jewel, Tamaki (PRD)
- Glory of Heavenly Sword, Nina
- Goddess of Love and Beauty, Venus
- Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy, Athena
- Goddess' Oath, Athena
- Good Omen School of Fish, Tamaki
- Greatest Sisters
- Green Morning, Liliana
- Guiding the Evacuation, Tamaki
- Handed Down Treasure, "Divine Music" Otohime
- Happiness Ending
- Hard Fighting Undersea, Tamaki
- Heart Pounding, Venus
- Heaven's Arrow, Nina
- Hidden Power, Linlin
- Hidden Technique Awakening?
- Hidden Technique Awakening? (PRD)
- High Class Melody, Nina
- High Spirited Noble, Nina
- Holiday Date, Yoshichika
- Holy Dress, Nina
- Holy Knight of Light, Yoshichika
- Honey Embrace
- Hot Pursuit at Midnight, Nina
- I'll Shoot! Amor
- Imminent Cheer, Amor
- Important Friend, Nina
- In a Hurry, Sena
- In a Rush, Tamaki
- In the Limelight, Nina
- Incomplete Talent, Xiaolin
- Indignant Flame
- Innocent Cat, Nina
- Innocent Horned Spear, Tamaki
- Innocent Pupils, Nina
- Intervention Obligation, Yoshichika
- Invincible Sisters
- Invitation to Dreams, Nina
- Irreplaceable "Memories"
- Isolated Island Angel, Nina
- Laid-Back Tamaki
- Late-Blooming Cherry Blossom
- Layered Resonance, Tamaki
- Layered Resonance, Tamaki (PRD)
- Lead Vocal, Tia
- Leading Role on Stage, Yoshichika
- Letter from Kyoto, Tamaki
- Life at the Academy, Nina
- Life Risking Service, Tamaki
- Little Witch, Unne
- Logicalist, Tamaki
- Logicalist, Tamaki (PRD)
- Lost Logic, Yoshichika
- Love Everybody, Nina
- Love Heart♥ Tamaki
- Love Saves the World? Tamaki
- Lovely Dress, Tamaki
- Lovely Spiral, Tamaki
- Luck & Logic in the Car, Unne/Ado/Raibu
- Luck & Logic is the Universe, Unne
- Luck of Luck
- Luxurious Lunchbox
- Machine Nurse, Cure
- Magical Power of Hairballs
- Master Hunter
- Matching Costumes
- Medical Treatment, Tamaki
- Meet Expectations, Nina
- Meow Meow Desire Blast, Nina
- Mission of a Logicalist, Tamaki
- Moment of Anxiety
- Momentary Attack of Confinement, Tamaki
- Monitoring, Tamaki
- Moonlit Night Invitation, Sena
- Musical Performance Training, Tamaki
- Musical Performer, "Divine Music" Otohime
- Musical Performer, "Divine Music" Otohime (PRD)
- Mysterious Dance, Unne