Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia
BT01-092EN (Sample)

Going at Dusk, Sieghard, an example of a blue card.

Blue Blue (青 Ao) is one of the colors in the Luck & Logic TCG.

Blue specializes in drawing cards and increasing the limit of your members. They are usually weak in power but stronger in aura matches.

List of Blue characters[]



Monolium Monolium[]

Disfia Disfia[]

Tetra-Heaven Tetra-Heaven[]

Tritomy Tritomy[]

Gameplay of the Luck & Logic TCG
Colors Yellow YellowRed RedGreen GreenBlue BlueColorless
Worlds Monolium MonoliumDisfia DisfiaTritomy TritomyTetra-Heaven Tetra-HeavenSeptpia SeptpiaLuck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club
Card Types Member (LogicalistForeignerTranceunionSuper logicalist)
TacticsGateParadoxMy Logicalist
Phases Stand phaseDraw phaseLevel phaseMain phaseBattle phaseEnd phase
Zones Deck (Deck construction) ● HandField (Circle) ● Level zoneStock zoneBattle zoneIntercept zone
Paradox zoneDrop zoneMy Logicalist zonePurge zoneRemove zoneSecret tool zone
Game Actions AttackCostDestroyDrawDiscardLogicLuck DriveMobilizePurge
SetStand Stand / Rest RestRefreshStock boostStock open/closeTrance
Terms and Keywords Ability (Logic Drive) ● Blink MoveCovenantExplosionEX SoulMake
Transmute (Secret Tool Skill) ● Trance ChangeT-rankVanguard
Miscellaneous Card Restriction