Luck and Logic Wikia
Luck and Logic Wikia

The battle zone (バトル領域ゾーン Batoru zōn) is the zone where cards are placed during the logic definition step of the battle phase.

During the logic definition step, both players may put a number of cards from their hand into their respective battle zones equal to or lower than their battling member's limit. Players may also level boost, resting a card in their level zone, drawing a card, and putting a card from their hand into the battle zone. If a player plays a paradox card while either player already has a face up paradox in the battle zone or paradox zone, they cancel out in a process known as paradox logic.

During the battle, the logic of the cards played into the battle zone take effect. The logic of member cards are added to the battling member, while the abilities of tactics and paradox cards become active. At the end of battle step, all member and tactics cards in each player's battle zone are sent to the drop zone, while paradoxes are sent to the paradox zone face up.

Gameplay of the Luck & Logic TCG
Colors Yellow YellowRed RedGreen GreenBlue BlueColorless
Worlds Monolium MonoliumDisfia DisfiaTritomy TritomyTetra-Heaven Tetra-HeavenSeptpia SeptpiaLuck&Logic Club Luck&Logic Club
Card Types Member (LogicalistForeignerTranceunionSuper logicalist)
TacticsGateParadoxMy Logicalist
Phases Stand phaseDraw phaseLevel phaseMain phaseBattle phaseEnd phase
Zones Deck (Deck construction) ● HandField (Circle) ● Level zoneStock zoneBattle zoneIntercept zone
Paradox zoneDrop zoneMy Logicalist zonePurge zoneRemove zoneSecret tool zone
Game Actions AttackCostDestroyDrawDiscardLogicLuck DriveMobilizePurge
SetStand Stand / Rest RestRefreshStock boostStock open/closeTrance
Terms and Keywords Ability (Logic Drive) ● Blink MoveCovenantExplosionEX SoulMake
Transmute (Secret Tool Skill) ● Trance ChangeT-rankVanguard
Miscellaneous Card Restriction